Performing a Quality Matters Self-Review

Last revised: 8/20/2018  by ess


As a subscribing Quality Matters (QM) institution, UConn encourages faculty to perform (at minimum) an “unofficial” QM Self-Review of their online and blended courses.  This article details the steps for completing a QM “unofficial” Self-Review and where to seek further information and assistance.

How to Complete a QM Self Review:

  1. Go to the Quality Matters website.
  2. Follow the instructions in the QM Self-Review Tool Video Tutorial (04:31 minutes) and complete your review. (Note: You will need to create an account using your email address, if you do not already have one, or sign in with your existing account.  UConn is a subscribing member of Quality Matters, so your account creation is free.)
  3. Tip: Use both the “Evidence” and “Suggestions for Improvement” fields for each standard to document your findings during your review (after you select “Met” or “Not Met”).  This process will help you clearly document evidence.
  4. If you are working with an eCampus instructional designer, email your completed review to him/her

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