
Tips for Conducting Online / Remote Synchronous Sessions

Last Revised 07/13/21 by DSM


Woman sitting on bench watching an instructor write on a whiteboard.

This article was created to support video conferencing workshops offered by educational technologies at CETL, but the information may be helpful for any synchronous online session. Conducting remote live sessions using video conference software such as WebEx and Collaborate Ultra can be a daunting task (Boland & Major, 2021). Below are some tips and strategies for designing and facilitating online synchronous sessions.

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Creating & Managing Videos for Teaching and Learning

Last Revised 06/29/21 by SW


Videos are gaining ground in online education as a result of their versatility in promoting learning, satisfaction, engagement, and interest (LSEI; Costley & Lange, 2017). With this fast-growing dependence on videos, online educators need to become mindful of what constitutes quality videos and how they are best integrated into online content delivery and interaction. In this article, we will approach the topic as follows:

  1. The discussion begins with the rationale behind video use.
  2. We will move on to a detailed examination of the different types of video formats, in order to help you determine the kinds of videos you may adopt for your course.
  3. We will then focus on the best practices in video use to further prepare you for quality videos.
  4. Our discussion continues with some final tips on recording, production, and sharing.
  5. Then we will look into the common challenges an instructor might encounter when recording, producing, and using videos.
  6. We will land on a self-evaluation tool that can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your videos.

At the end of this article, we also included a list of special topics to help you further explore themes that have been gaining traction around the topic of educational videos.

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Collaborative (Group) Learning, Example Uses and Supporting Technologies

Last revised: 05/12/2021 by JP


Collaborative learning, also known as group learning, is an opportunity for students to develop higher-order cognitive skills; promote connection and community; innovate; and engage with different perspectives. There are a handful of UConn supported technologies that enable student collaboration in online courses. Beyond those, there are many applications that faculty can use for free or purchase a single-use educational license and integrate with their HuskyCT site via Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI). This article shares examples of both.

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An Overview of Perusall

Last revised: 12/6/2023 by TJS


Perusall is a free “social annotation” tool that helps students engage with course material in class groups. When integrated with HuskyCT, instructors can create reading or viewing assignments in which students create & share their own annotations and respond to each other’s comments & questions. Perusall informs instructors of the concepts that generate the most student questions & discussion, and Perusall can assist instructors score assignments quickly and efficiently. Perusall also reminds students of incomplete assignments, prompting higher rates of completion and preparedness.

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Syllabus Templates

Last revised on 12/5/2023 by kek


The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) offers syllabus templates that meets the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for online documents and is available for download in two formats. This post describes how to access the templates, along with some tips on ensuring the document remains accessible.

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Screencasting and Presentation Tools


There are many options to either record your screen (aka screen casting) or present to your students asynchronously.  Below we have selected several of the key options to do these two tasks and some of the experiences we have had with them.  We have also included information for you to find more. Continue reading