Providing Syllabus Links to eCampus for Online Course Listing Pages

Last revised: 1/4/2021 by DSM. 


Having a course syllabus available online is not only helpful in providing information for students deciding in which course to enroll, but it also communicates crucial information about course requirements (materials, exam information, software/hardware requirements, etc.).   This article will explain some some methods of hosting and the process of sending the link to eCampus.

The syllabus link will be entered for online courses in the Student Administration System “Notes” field so it will display as a hyperlink on the Online Courses page“.  It will display as text in Student Admin.  Inclusion of the syllabus URL does not preclude other notes.

NOTE: eCampus/CETL enters syllabus links for online courses only.  The functionality, however, works dependent on mode of instruction.  See “Syntax” below.


  1. Create your syllabus
    eCampus provides an downloadable syllabus template for faculty that includes many of the policies and recommended resources for UConn courses. While some of the sections are focused on online courses, it is editable and certainly applicable to all modes of delivery.The most common file types are Google docs, PDFs, and Word documents.
  2. Upload your file to a cloud platform like Microsoft OneDrive (through Office 365) and set permissions as “Share the link with anyone; can view”
    1. On OneDrive,
      1. Select “Anyone with the link.” Change “Can edit” to “Can view.” Click Apply.
      2. Click “Copy Link” (paste the link in a browser to test it before sending).
  3. Send this link via the Syllabus Link Submission form.
  4. Important note about file updates/versions
    Once you’ve uploaded the file to your cloud service, we recommend that you edit the “live” file on that drive.  If not you’ll need to either overwrite or “sync” the file to use the same link.  If not, it requires re-sending and updating new links with each change.  PDFs will require this type of file/link maintenance.


More Information:

Syntax for Notes field in StudentAdmin:

The syntax for this link to display in the Notes field is as follows:

Syllabus: [entered URL]
(There is a space between the colon and the entered URL)


Example 1:

As entered in StudentAdmin Notes field:

For access to the syllabus, please visit this url;

Courses widget displays as:

For access to the syllabus, please visit this URL: Syllabus

Example 2:

As entered in StudentAdmin Notes field:

This online class will require in person proctored exams for the midterms and final, either at UConn Storrs or at an approved proctoring set-up. For access to the syllabus, please visit this URL:  Syllabus:

Courses widget displays as:

This online class will require in person proctored exams for the midterms and final, either at UConn Storrs or at an approved proctoring set-up. For access to the syllabus, please visit this URL:  Syllabus



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