University Modes of Instruction Definitions

Last modified on 11/11/2022 by DTM


As of the Fall 2023 Semester, the University implemented new course modality definitions. The Registrar’s Office hosts the official definitions and guidance on their website (Click)

When discussing modes of delivery, it is helpful to understand UConn’s policy on Credit Hours.  For an in person course, this would equate to 3 hours a week or 42 hours total of in-class, direct instruction contact hours over the semester. Faculty teaching mixed mode and online courses that do not meet for 42 hours should plan courses to replicate the time in class through activities that include student-to-student, student-to-instructor, and student-to-content interaction.

Additionally, faculty teaching in online courses should be aware of requirements for Regular and Substantive Interaction.

Need More Information or Help:

  • Attend a CETL seminar about strategies used in online and hybrid/blended courses.
  • Request a Quality Matters Higher Education Workbook (a set of research based standards for online and hybrid/blended courses) from eCampus.
  • Register for a QM workshop on hybrid/blended course design. eCampus will cover the registration fee for UConn Faculty.
  • Review eCampus Faculty Resources for online education.
  • Contact eCampus

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