Author: Jennifer Parker

Collaborative (Group) Learning Online

Last revised 9/12/2024 by jap


Collaborative learning, also known as group learning, is an opportunity for students to develop higher-order cognitive skills, promote connections and community, and engage with different perspectives. To facilitate student collaboration online, it requires designing the activity as well as selecting the best technology to connect students.

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Analysis: Planning Your Instruction

Last revised: 07/18/2024 by jap.


Analysis is the first step in planning effective instruction, and the first phase of the instructional design model ADDIE.  It involves collecting all the information that may impact a course in order to make informed course design decisions. The process begins by addressing a series of questions.

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Writing Learning Objectives

Last revised: 02/07/2025 by JAP


Objectives explain the destination of the learning experience to students. When written well and aligned with other course elements, objectives help students make cognitive connections between materials, learning activities and assessments. This alignment increases the possibility of learning success and enables both the students and the instructor to stay focused and monitor learning.  

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Specifications Grading: A Method to Improve Student Performance

Last revised: 02/07/2025 by JP


Are you looking to increase student motivation and the quality of their academic work? If yes, consider specifications grading.  According to Linda B. Nilson, Ph.D., the traditional higher education grading method is broken and specifications grading offers a solution with benefits for both students and faculty. Nilson published her seminal work, Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students and Saving Faculty Time, in 2015.  Since then, faculty have adopted her method, including some at UConn.

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Competencies for Online and Hybrid/Blended Instruction

Last revised: 01/08/2025  by jap


What skills does an instructor need to succeed with an online or hybrid course? The UConn Competencies for Online and Hybrid/Blended Instruction survey includes 27 competencies to inform and facilitate self-assessment. The second edition takes into account developments in higher education since the COVID pandemic.

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Design: Using a Course Design Plan

Last revised: 02/13/2025 by jap


This article introduces using a course design plan for the design phase of the instructional design model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate) and how it can help meet alignment principles of Quality Matters’ Standards for Course Design.

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