
Types of Videos for Online Teaching & Learning

Last updated 8/29/2024 by KK


Videos can be used for a variety of purposes in online courses, and different set-ups are required to achieve these goals. This article will review the types of videos used in online courses and provide examples.

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Creating & Managing Videos for Online Teaching & Learning

Last revised 7/16/2024 by KK


Videos are gaining ground in online education as a result of their versatility in promoting learning, satisfaction, engagement, and interest (LSEI; Costley & Lange, 2017). With this fast-growing dependence on videos, online educators need to become mindful of what constitutes quality videos and how they are best integrated into online content delivery and interaction.

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Deciding on Your Instructional Materials

Last revised: 6/14/2022 by ess


This article provides instructional material alternatives, with examples, for use in online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses.  Three options will be considered. Should you “make”, “buy” or look for “free” materials that support your learning objectives? Continue reading