
Online Proctoring with ProctorU

Last revised 10/11/2024 by SW


Maintaining academic integrity in all UConn courses, including online/blended courses, is important. Key concerns include ensuring that:

  1. The student enrolled in the course is the same individual completing the assessments (authentication).
  2. Assessment administration adheres to the faculty-prescribed rules (cheating deterrence and detection).

ProctorU is one of the online proctoring platforms UConn endorses to uphold academic integrity in remote assessments, allowing faculty to have similar levels of security as in-person exams.

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Collaborative (Group) Learning Online

Last revised 9/12/2024 by jap


Collaborative learning, also known as group learning, is an opportunity for students to develop higher-order cognitive skills, promote connections and community, and engage with different perspectives. To facilitate student collaboration online, it requires designing the activity as well as selecting the best technology to connect students.

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University Modes of Instruction

Last revised on 08/07/2024 by DTM.


The Registrar hosts the official definitions and guidance on Course Modalities. CETL provides additional explanations, teaching considerations, and visual guides on their Teaching and Course Modalities page. Faculty should be aware of the official course modalities and the implications for online teaching and learning.

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Analysis: Planning Your Instruction

Last revised: 07/18/2024 by jap.


Analysis is the first step in planning effective instruction, and the first phase of the instructional design model ADDIE.  It involves collecting all the information that may impact a course in order to make informed course design decisions. The process begins by addressing a series of questions.

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Writing Learning Objectives

Last revised: 02/07/2025 by JAP


Objectives explain the destination of the learning experience to students. When written well and aligned with other course elements, objectives help students make cognitive connections between materials, learning activities and assessments. This alignment increases the possibility of learning success and enables both the students and the instructor to stay focused and monitor learning.  

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Key Takeaways from the CETL Online Student Preferences Survey

Last revised: 04/25/2024 by cah


In late 2022, eCampus launched a survey to determine student preferences as related to online courses. The survey went out to all students who completed an eCampus online course, which includes both undergraduate (68%) and graduate (32%) students. The survey was sent to 7300 students and 665 responded (9%).

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Deciding on Instructional Materials

Last revised: 1/29/2024 by ess


This article provides instructional material alternatives, with examples, for use in online, hybrid, and in-person courses. Three options will be considered. Should you “make”, “buy” or look for “free” materials that support your learning objectives? Continue reading