
Tips for Conducting Online / Remote Synchronous Sessions

Last Revised 07/13/21 by DSM


Woman sitting on bench watching an instructor write on a whiteboard.

This article was created to support video conferencing workshops offered by educational technologies at CETL, but the information may be helpful for any synchronous online session. Conducting remote live sessions using video conference software such as WebEx and Collaborate Ultra can be a daunting task (Boland & Major, 2021). Below are some tips and strategies for designing and facilitating online synchronous sessions.

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Authentication of Students in Online Courses

Last Revised 02/04/2025 by DTM


The purpose of this article is to guide the University community as faculty seek methods of verifying student identity in distance learning and online courses.  These guidelines were designed to meet NECHE accreditation standard 4.48 and Federal requirements under Sec.  602.17(g)of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Additionally, these guidelines are designed to meet Department of Homeland Security requirements for International Students in online and remote learning environments.
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Promoting Student Engagement in Your Online/DL Course

Last revised 1/21/2025 by SW


Student engagement is essential to effective teaching, but it can feel more elusive in online and distance learning (DL) environments. Instructors often wonder how to foster interaction, ensure students engage with course materials and build a vibrant learning community. This article provides practical, actionable strategies for increasing student engagement in online courses.

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Competencies for Online and Hybrid/Blended Instruction

Last revised: 01/08/2025  by jap


What skills does an instructor need to succeed with an online or hybrid course? The UConn Competencies for Online and Hybrid/Blended Instruction survey includes 27 competencies to inform and facilitate self-assessment. The second edition takes into account developments in higher education since the COVID pandemic.

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Tips for Online Course Test Proctoring

Last revised: 7/1/2019 by DSM. 


These are some tips to help make the online proctoring process run more smoothly and make the student experience as best as possible.

PLEASE NOTE: ProctorU is the online exam proctoring service that eCampus makes available to UConn students enrolled in courses formally listed as ONLINE in StudentAdmin.  This post addresses setting up a faculty ProctorU account for use with your UConn ONLINE course(s).

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Remote In-Person Proctoring for Online Courses

Last revised: 5/31/2018 by DSM. 


Sometimes even fully online course require in-person proctoring for administering tests and authentication of students’ identities. It is very common for online students to be geographically dispersed regionally, nationally, or even internationally and it is not always practical or possible to travel to one central testing location.  This article provides guidance around permitting alternate proctoring locations as a solution.
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Faculty Resources for Teaching Online at UConn

Last modified: 08/12/2020 by dsm.


This post is a resource for faculty teaching online graduate and certificate programs as well as the various staff and administrators who support these programs. It is intended to provide information and guidance around roles and procedures that will help faculty be most effective in preparing to design, develop and teach online.

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